Volunteer Opportunities

Mahalo for your interest and for taking the time to volunteer with us. Your help is always appreciated! Please see the description for each workday below. If you have any other questions, email [email protected]. Mahalo!

Loʻi Workdays – Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays
Our loʻi workdays occur every Monday, Tuesday and Friday and run from 9:00 am -12:30pm. Tasks includes weeding, planting and harvesting. Please use the SignUp Genius link to sign up for a workday.
Please bring the following items with you on the workday:
Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
Sun protection
Optional: Hat, Towel, Change of Clothes
We are located at 46-406 Kamehameha Highway Kāneʻohe HI 96744. Please enter through the main gate and stay to your left and follow the road. You will see the loʻi on your right-hand side and a covered structure with tools and a seating area on your left. Please park after the covered structure on your left-hand side.

Wetland Restoration Workday – Tuesdays
Wetland restoration workdays occur every Tuesday from 8:30 am – 12 pm. These workdays involve removal of invasive plants, out-planting native plant species, and clearing waterways. Please use the SignUp Genius link to sign up for a workday.
Please bring the following items with you on the workday:
- Long pants/leggings that you don’t mind getting dirty
- Sun protection
- Covered Shoes or Tabis (mandatory to participate)
- Optional: Hat, Towel, Change of Clothes
- Water
We are located at 46-406 Kamehameha Highway Kāneʻohe HI 96744 but please enter through the Kealohi gate. As you are driving towards Kahaluʻu on Kamehameha Hwy, drive over the Heʻeia bridge, you’ll see the Heʻeia fishpond on your right and the mountains on your left. Right after the bridge, you’ll see a gate on your left-hand side right before the bend turn left there for parking.

Saturday Community Workdays
Saturday community workdays occur in the loʻi on the first Saturday of each month from 8:30am – 12pm. Tasks includes weeding and maintenance of loʻi and ʻauwai. Please use the SignUp Genius link to sign up for a workday.
Please bring the following items with you on the workday:
Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
Sun protection
Optional: Hat, Towel, Change of Clothes
Loʻi Workdays Waiver

Wetland Restoration Workday Waiver

Saturday Community Workdays Waiver

Puʻulani is Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi’s pilot agroforestry restoration site. The restoration efforts, conceived in a partnership between Kākoʻo ʻŌiwi and the University of Hawaiʻi, are ongoing. The dynamic system home to a range of native, indigenous, and introduced plants that are important to Hawaiʻi culturally, spiritually, and medicinally.
The forest is open to the community. Join us for monthly workdays. The work usually consists of some combination of weed mitigation, pruning, watering, and planting. We recommend long pants, long sleeves, sun protection, insect repellent, and water.
For inquiries about coordinating small group workdays or visiting the Puʻulani contact Maile Wong.